What is a Charter School?

In Arkansas, charter schools are public schools, and any resident of Arkansas is eligible to apply to attend open-enrollment charter schools. Approved charter schools operate under a performance contract that outlines the school’s mission, program, goals, students served, and methods of assessment.

There are two types of charter schools in Arkansas: open-enrollment charter schools and district conversion charter schools. Students across district boundaries can attend open-enrollment charter schools. District conversion charter schools are public schools that have applied for and been approved to convert to charter status, but they are limited to students within the school district’s boundary. Charter schools can waive many regulations to serve their student demographics better. However, they must still comply with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and employ appropriately licensed teachers.

School Choice

School Choice allows families to apply for transfer to a school in a district outside of the district in which they reside. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education maintains a list of districts that are not allowed to participate in school choice. Applications may be submitted from January 1st – May 1st. School Choice applications must be submitted to both the resident and nonresident districts.

There is no requirement to submit a school choice application to attend an open enrollment charter. District conversion charters are still subject to a school choice application and approval.

Charter Enrollment

Arkansas Public School Resource Center is developing online resources for families to easily discover, research, and enroll in Charter Schools. A new online enrollment system is underway. Currently, families may visit the individual charter websites linked on this site to access applications and enrollment processes. Given their open-enrollment and tuition-free policy, Charter Schools often use a fair lottery system when demand exceeds capacity, ensuring equal chances for all students in the enrollment process.

Have additional questions?

If you have additional questions or would like to learn more about these topics, please get in touch. We are eager to assist you in understanding the role of education in Arkansas and how Enroll Arkansas contributes to it.

Additional Resources:

Charter Authorizing Panel
Division of Elementary & Secondary Education Charter Schools
Application for School Choice Transfer & FAQ
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education School Choice
DESE Rules Governing Public School Choice